Elisenstrasse 31
63739 Aschaffenburg
phone: +49 221 337 44 71
fax: +49 221 337 44 72
Mail: contact@scoopa.com
scoopa GmbH
Elisenstrasse 31, 63739 Aschaffenburg, Germany
Tel.: +49(6021) 58 48 777
René Alles, Volker Ansmann
Amtsgericht: Aschaffenburg HRB 13657
scoopa GmbH
René Alles, Volker Ansmann
scoopa GmbH composed the contents of these Internet pages with great care and updates them regulary. This information is still only non-binding general information and is no replacement for detailed, individual consulting before making a decision for purchase. The technical features equipment of the described machines are only examples. Such features and equipment can espacially vary from country to country. Subject to changes at any time.
scoopa GmbH operates and manages the web site in Germany in accordance with German law. Neither the provider nor the scoopa GmbH accept any liability for the contents or guarantee that the web sites reached via hyperlink are up-to-date, correct or complete.
scoopa GmbH All rights reserved. The content and structure of this web site are copyright protected. The duplication of information or data , especially the use of text, graphics, image material, sound, video and animation files may only be used with the previous agreement of scoopa GmbH as far as not otherwise expressly stated.
© scoopa GmbH